Для того, чтобы заказать прошивку, нужно следующее:
Перейдите по адресу:
зарегистрируйтесь, оплатите, создайте и загрузите прошивку.
После регистрации и входа в сайт
вы можете увидеть вкладку цены и найти свою прошивку. После этого оплатите ее, войдя на вкладку "payments" по банковской карте. На вкладке «Overview» последовательно выберите производителя, модель и версию прошивки. Затем введите серийный номер и номер CRUM картриджа. Нажмите заказать и после создания прошивки загрузите ее.
Чтобы заказать прошивку, вам необходимо следующее:
Распечатайте два отчета (выводит распечатанные меню или удерживайте клавишу)
Отчет о конфигурации и расходных материалах. В отчете о конфигурации найдите версию прошивки и серийный номер.
В отчете по расходным материалам CRUM найдите картридж.
U - означает обновление прошивки без защиты, NU - защищенные обновления.
Мы рекомендуем U - он безопасен для пользователя и может быть возвращен оригинальной прошивкой.
Если вы заказываете прошивку часто - мы поменяем цены для вас.
Если на вашем устройстве нет - просто по электронной почте, и мы постараемся вам помочь!
Firmware Fix SCX 3405FW
Available firmware version here. After flashing the printer is without chips, not locked. Do...
Firmware Fix ML-2851ND
Available firmware version here. After flashing the printer is without chips, not locked. Do...
Firmware Fix ML-2855ND
Available firmware version here. After flashing the printer is without chips, not locked. Do...
Firmware Fix ML-2950
Available firmware version here. After flashing the printer is without chips, not locked. Do...
Firmware Fix ML-2950DW
Available firmware version here. After flashing the printer is without chips, not locked. Do...
Firmware Fix ML-2950N
Available firmware version here. After flashing the printer is without chips, not locked. Do...
Firmware Fix ML-2950ND
Available firmware version here. After flashing the printer is without chips, not locked. Do...
Firmware Fix ML-2950NDR
Available firmware version here. After flashing the printer is without chips, not locked. Do...
Firmware Fix ML-2950NDW
Available firmware version here. After flashing the printer is without chips, not locked. Do...
Firmware Fix ML-2955ND
Available firmware version here. After flashing the printer is without chips, not locked. Do...
Firmware Fix ML-2955DW
Available firmware version here. After flashing the printer is without chips, not locked. Do...
Firmware Fix ML-3300
Available firmware version here. After flashing the printer is without chips, not locked. Do...
Firmware Fix ML-3310D
Available firmware version here. After flashing the printer is without chips, not locked. Do...
Firmware Fix ML-3310ND
Available firmware version here. After flashing the printer is without chips, not locked. Do...
Firmware Fix ML-3710D
Available firmware version here. After flashing the printer is without chips, not locked. Do...
Firmware Fix ML-3710ND
Available firmware version here. After flashing the printer is without chips, not locked. Do...
Firmware Fix ML-3750ND
Available firmware version here. After flashing the printer is without chips, not locked. Do...
Firmware Fix ML-5510N
Available firmware version here. After flashing the printer is without chips, not locked. Do...
Firmware Fix ML-5510ND
Available firmware version here. After flashing the printer is without chips, not locked. Do...
Firmware Fix SCX 3405FK
Available firmware version here. After flashing the printer is without chips, not locked. Do...
Firmware Fix SF-650
Available firmware version here. After flashing the printer is without chips, not locked. Do...
Firmware Fix SF-760
Available firmware version here. After flashing the printer is without chips, not locked. Do...
Firmware Fix SF-760P
Available firmware version here. After flashing the printer is without chips, not locked. Do...
Firmware Fix SCX 4729FD
Available firmware version here. After flashing the printer is without chips, not locked. Do...
Firmware Fix SCX 4655F
Available firmware version here. After flashing the printer is without chips, not locked. Do...
Firmware Fix SCX 4655FN
Available firmware version here. After flashing the printer is without chips, not locked. Do...
Firmware Fix SCX 4705
Available firmware version here. After flashing the printer is without chips, not locked. Do...
Firmware Fix SCX 4727FD
Available firmware version here. After flashing the printer is without chips, not locked. Do...
Firmware Fix SCX 4728FD
Available firmware version here. After flashing the printer is without chips, not locked. Do...
Firmware Fix SCX 4824FN
Available firmware version here. After flashing the printer is without chips, not locked. Do...