Go to: http://helplaserprinter.com/register/roznica register, pay, generate and download the firmware Instructions:
After registering and logging into the site you can see the price tab and find your firmware. After that, pay it by entering the payment tab on the bank card. On the overview tab, select the manufacturer, model, and firmware version in sequence. Then enter the serial number and CRUM number of the cartridge. Click to order and after generating the firmware download.
To order the firmware, you need the following:
Print two reports (Reports printed menu, or hold down the key)
Configuration Report and Supplies Information report. In Configuration Report find the firmware version and serial number.
In Supplies Information report CRUM find room cartridge.
U - denotes a firmware upgrade without protection, NU - protected updates.
We recommend U - it is safe for the user and can be brought back the original firmware.
If you order the firmware often - We will change prices for you.
If your device does not - just email and we will try to help you!